The university offers many services to provide academic and personal support to students. The following list provides links and descriptions to those services to which the ombudsperson most commonly refers graduate students.
Graduate School: The Graduate School is responsible for the development, administration, and evaluation of graduate education throughout the University. Graduate School personnel work in partnership with the faculty, program chairs and department heads, the deans, graduate students (particularly through the Graduate Student Association), and the Commission on Graduate and Professional Studies & Policies (CGPS&P) to further Graduate education at Virginia Tech.
Dean of Students: The Dean of Student supports and empowers students and families in crisis and/or challenging situations and nurtures a welcoming campus climate through proactive programming, oversight for bias incident protocol, and ongoing discussion.
Career Services: Career and Professional Development provides advice, services, programs, resources, and opportunities to prepare Virginia Tech students to make optimal use of their knowledge, skills and abilities in order to successfully explore and chose academic majors and career options, obtain career-related experience, and develop and pursue post-graduation career plans, including graduate/professional school and employment.
Cook Counseling Center: The counseling center offers individual and group counseling for graduate students enrolled on the Blacksburg campus. The center also has an embedded counselor at the Graduate Life Center, Katie Hundley: M.Ed.
Women's Center: The center serves as an on-campus (Blacksburg) focal point for services for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, cyberstalking and harassment, as well as their friends and families. Trained professionals are available to provide individual and group counseling, advocacy and support. Additional services include help with academic relief and accompaniment to the hospital, law enforcement and judicial proceedings.

Disability Services
Services for Students with Disabilities: This office works to ensure that students with disabilities receive equal access to curricular and co-curricular opportunities in the academic community, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Community and Inclusivity
Cranwell International Center: The International Center provides services to students, scholars, faculty, spouses, and visitors from 120 countries in all regions of the world.
Inclusion and Community: The Office for Inclusive Strategy and Excellence seeks to promote, sustain, and advance an environment that supports principles of inclusion and community.
Office for Civil Rights Compliance and Prevention Education: This office oversees and enforces the university's anti-harassment and discrimination policy. Faculty, staff, and students who have concerns about situations involving possible discrimination or harassment can consult with the office to help resolve the issue through informal or formal means.
LGBTQ+ Resource Center: This website highlights the events, initiatives, programs, and services specifically aimed at or organized by the LGBTQ+ community.
Safe Zone Program: The Safe Zone program exists to educate the Virginia Tech community on topics related to the LGBTQ community. Safe Zones are members of the program who are committed to providing a more inclusive and accepting environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning communities and their allies.

Student Legal Services: Student Legal Services (SLS) is a free, pre-paid legal service available to all Virginia Tech students who have paid the Blacksburg campus student activity fee. The SLS Attorney provides legal advice on a variety of matters such as, but not limited to, leasing issues, traffic tickets, immigration, consumer problems, and criminal charges. Also, the Attorney can prepare basic legal documents such as simple Wills, powers of attorney, and contracts. Limited advice and assistance is provided in tax, business, and divorce matters.
Conflict Resolution: The Conflict Resolution program, through the Office of Equity and Accessibility, offers people the opportunity to address concerns in an informal setting where they maintain control of the decisions as to how a dispute or disagreement can be resolved in a way that meets their needs and interests as well as the needs and interests of the other person.
Virginia Tech Police: Call 911 for on-campus emergencies or immediate safety concerns, or call (540) 231-6411 to report non-emergency concerns.
Threat Assessment Team: The mission of the multi-disciplinary Threat Assessment Team is to determine if an individual poses, or may reasonably pose, a threat of violence to self, others, or the Virginia Tech community and to intervene to avert the threat and maintain the safety of the situation.
Women's Center: The center serves as an on-campus (Blacksburg) focal point for services for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, cyberstalking and harrassment, as well as their friends and families. Trained professionals are available to provide individual and group counseling, advocacy and support. Additional services include help with academic relief and accompaniment to the hospital, law enforcement and judicial proceedings.
Environmental Health and Safety: Environmental Health and Safety provides necessary services to the university community to monitor and ensure a safe and healthy living, learning and working environment.
Veterans and Military
The university's website for veterans and members of the military (www.veterans.vt.edu) offers a one-stop shop for information of benefits, organizations, and resources for student and employee veterans.